Parlour Tapes+

I co-own the Chicago-based cassette tape label Parlour Tapes+. Since 2013, Parlour Tapes+ has curated a catalog of experimental, collaborative, and unexpected records. We often create, perform, and produce non-record projects together.

I Like My Friends (2019) by Mocrep

I Like My Friends (2019) by Mocrep

High Quality Final Days (2018) by Sam Scranton with package design by Oli Watt

High Quality Final Days (2018) by Sam Scranton with package design by Oli Watt

Inventions (2017) by Mabel Kwan and Danny Clay with package design by Hannah and Andrew Barco. Photo: Jeff Kimmell

Inventions (2017) by Mabel Kwan and Danny Clay with package design by Hannah and Andrew Barco. Photo: Jeff Kimmell

*AND (2013) by various artists. Photo: Julia Miller

*AND (2013) by various artists. Photo: Julia Miller